LGBTIQA+ Refugees & Asylum Seekers

Hear about work on-the-ground by not-for-profit Many Coloured Sky, support from Pride Foundation Australia, and queer perspectives on unique challenges for LGBTIQA+ refugees and asylum seekers. What can communities do to welcome and support them finding homes and work, affirming their gender/sexuality and respecting cultures.

Hosted by Castlemaine local, Ian Gould, co-founder of Pride Foundation Australia, the event will feature speakers including a queer refugee with lived experience and Ian Seal, founder of Many Coloured Sky. Seal’s organization collaborates with Queer Refugee and Asylum Seeker Peers (QRASP) in Kenya and partners in Uganda, while also networking with allies across South Asia to support refugees in their respective regions. Gain valuable insights into the current situation for LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers and refugees and discover actionable ways to offer assistance and support.

Free Event! Drinks available for purchase at the NAH bar.

Ages: Licensed venue – 18+ minors must be accompanied by an adult

Bookings essential!

IMAGE CREDIT: Many Coloured Sky


Monday 22nd April                                        6.30 for 7.00pm Start

Northern Arts Hotel, 359 Barker Street, Castlemaine, 3450

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